Thursday, July 23, 2009


I finally got around to getting some pictures up! The morning started with presents! What a great motivator for getting out of bed! My friend, Andrea, had sent me a card organizer, and journal with a way cute card with fish and an octopus. I had to laugh at the box it was sent in. Gotta love nurses! It was a box which had previously contained syringes! I had to smile that she wrapped the box in plain brown paper, and could just imagine trying to ship something like that, unwrapped!

Then it was off to the spa!

Warning!!! Steamy pictures ahead!!!

I actually met 2 other girls with the EXACT SAME BIRTHDAY AS ME! SAME YEAR AND EVERYTHING! Of course, I had to take a picture with them!

And then, of course, ICE CREAM!!! Between all us girls (and the 2 husbands that got dragged along and managed to not get in the picture) we did get to try 31 flavors!

So, yes, it was a wonderful birthday all around!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

And now it's my turn again...

31 made it into my world this morning. Of course, I'm not owning the 1 part until after the time I officially came into this world, but I am sure that by the end of the day, I will firmly be 31.
To day!!!
Followed by 31 flavors at Baskin Robbins. Yum!
Happy Birthday to Me!