After I left the Estancia, I spent a day driving around, and this is one of the towns I fell in love with: Las Flores!

The chocolate was so good, as were the other sweets.

I wanted to buy one of each of the flowers as they were lovely and tasted perfect.

It was autumn there, and I passed a few hours in the town center of Las Flores, enjoying the cooling air and the beginnings of the color changes.

The streets were nearly empty, and I felt as though I had the entire place to myself.

This window was so colorful that a smile was instantly on my face as soon as I saw it.

More medialunas, and more caffeine!

Driving out of Las Flores, I found this particular estancia sign to be amusing.

There were also random buildings and monuments along the roadside. I am assuming they are religious prayer-stops, but I really have no idea.

The journey continues.....