Saturday, April 30, 2011

A 4 mile hike

Would you like to take a hike with me? It starts off with a colorful bang!
Flowers are not the only nice view. These birdwatchers were equally delighted by the sights.

Here it gets a bit trickier...

The trail then came to ..... THE hill. This is my new archnemesis. (if that's spelled correctly. If not, I have a new word for vomit that goes up into the air first.) I have yet to make it all the way up that bad boy in 1 attempt. My personal best was just 1 stop to get my heart back in my chest and my lungs to quit screaming. My worst? 3 takes. Then I came to the second set of hills! UGH!!! If you note, it is so steep you can't even see where it goes down!!!

And then I had to go back up this bugga!

I was not alone on my walk. I met this kind fellow at the top of the first hill.

If you click on him, you can see his blue-belly. Very kind of him to stand up so straight for me.

Some of the flowers were taller than I was! I could imagine how fun it would be as a smaller child to run with abandon through these and build forts in the fragrance.

...that is until I saw all of these!!! Fun for faries, but snails are better left to rest undisturbed. I could just imagine coming out of the fields covered in slime. Yick!!!

In a few days time, these thistles should be magnificent! (Grandma S...these reminded me of you and Scotland!)

Now, this next one had a fragrance that rivaled stock. I kept stopping to inhale the sweet scents, and resisted the temptation to cut off a few pieces to bring home with me.

These petals were like freshly crumpled linen. So like a poppy! They were bigger than my palm though.

Ah, but what are birds when there are lizards and flowers to see?