Thursday, May 17, 2007


I am sure by now most of you have seen someone wearing Crocs, those big, awkward plasticy shoes in a rainbow of colors with holes in them. They are ugly as sin, in my own opinion.
That said, I also think they are one of the most comfortable things in the world.
They recently came out with Mary Jane crocs, and I was fortunate enough to find a pair of them in my current favorite color, lavender, and in my size! Being a size 11 makes shoe buying difficult sometimes. Most shoes go up to 10, but not 11. So imagine my delight when I found these.
When I showed up at work tonight, I got an abundance of "Ooohs" and "Aaaahs" from just about everyone. The nurse I gave report to spotted them and raved, especially saying how tiny my feet look in them. Imagine that! Tiny!
It is good to be me! I just wish I had a picture to show you all my cute lavender Mary Janes!

NIght shift

I worked the night shift for about 5 years, during school and after. Now I know most of you "older" people still think 28 is young, but it has been about 2 years since I have worked nights, and it is so much harder than I remember it being!
I still love that usually (knock on wood) it is slower, and I have time to do stuff like this. Blog. And sit. And talk to my patients. When they are awake that is. It seems these patients are all about sleeping. Not that I mind. I'm just a little jealous.
That is wrong on some level. Me wanting to trade places with a cancer patient. Well, stranger things have happened.
The first night of a 2 or 3 night stent is definately the hardest. Around 11 my body starts to protest, insisting that it is time to lay down and close my eyes. Then, by 2, my body is so confused it does not know if it is coming or going.
I have taken to walking down the halls for 20 minute increments, if time and patients allow for it.
Double bonus: it keeps me more awake, and I am getting paid to work out! Cool deal.
It is good to be me, since I am getting paid to blog at the moment. It's all about how you look at things. Between the blood, the platelets, the potassium, I can blog.
I also just wanted to take a moment to say how much I enjoy getting to read all of your blogs. I am impressed with the beauty and energy that gets poured out into this cyber world through all your blogs. Keep it up, ladies and gentlemen!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

I know everyone always says they have the best mom in the world, but I really do.
My mom is my absolute #1 fan. She supports me through thick and thin. She has held me when I cried, and hugged me when I rejoiced.
She has challenged me to do and be my best, and repectfully puts me back in my place when I need to be put there.
She has listened to me, read my blog, read my stories, tasted my cooking, smelled the "soap creations" I used to make as a kid, rubbed my back, done hundreds of "little things", and stepped up to the big things.
I know I can depend on my mom. I know she loves me.
She is the smartest person I know. Imagine that. A smart librarian!
She has the smartest wit, a graceful vocabulary, and she knows how to use them!
She makes the most amazing creations: hats, stories, blogs, paintings, meals, homes, outfits and poems.
I love that she has no sence of direction whatsoever, that her singing and dancing amuses me to no end, and she's not a fan of "noise" (or what I call music.)
My mom is cute.
She raised me, and I think that is saying the most.
She let me live when I cut ALL the daffodils in the garden to make an arrangement the day before a real estate appraisal.
She let me live when, at 15 1/2 I backed up our van into a parked car.
She let me live even after I fed pennies into the air conditioner in the car.
She let me live despite my putting my plastic blocks into the oven.
And she loves me. Despite it all.
She is truly the greatest!
Mom, just wanted to give you a shout out! I love you! Happy Mother's Day! You did a wonderful job of raising us kiddos. THank you for every sacrifice you made, from career, to grocery trips in which you had to leave groceries in cart because of a tantrum, to the countless hours of sleep both when we were babies, as well as when we were teens, and beyond.
Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being amazing. THank you for your strength, courage, and patience.
Thank you for all the times you watched when I called "Mommy! Watch me Mommy!" and then did some underwater summersault, followed by "Wait! I messed up! Watch again!"
You rock!
It's good to be me cause I have you as my mother.
I love you.