Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

I know everyone always says they have the best mom in the world, but I really do.
My mom is my absolute #1 fan. She supports me through thick and thin. She has held me when I cried, and hugged me when I rejoiced.
She has challenged me to do and be my best, and repectfully puts me back in my place when I need to be put there.
She has listened to me, read my blog, read my stories, tasted my cooking, smelled the "soap creations" I used to make as a kid, rubbed my back, done hundreds of "little things", and stepped up to the big things.
I know I can depend on my mom. I know she loves me.
She is the smartest person I know. Imagine that. A smart librarian!
She has the smartest wit, a graceful vocabulary, and she knows how to use them!
She makes the most amazing creations: hats, stories, blogs, paintings, meals, homes, outfits and poems.
I love that she has no sence of direction whatsoever, that her singing and dancing amuses me to no end, and she's not a fan of "noise" (or what I call music.)
My mom is cute.
She raised me, and I think that is saying the most.
She let me live when I cut ALL the daffodils in the garden to make an arrangement the day before a real estate appraisal.
She let me live when, at 15 1/2 I backed up our van into a parked car.
She let me live even after I fed pennies into the air conditioner in the car.
She let me live despite my putting my plastic blocks into the oven.
And she loves me. Despite it all.
She is truly the greatest!
Mom, just wanted to give you a shout out! I love you! Happy Mother's Day! You did a wonderful job of raising us kiddos. THank you for every sacrifice you made, from career, to grocery trips in which you had to leave groceries in cart because of a tantrum, to the countless hours of sleep both when we were babies, as well as when we were teens, and beyond.
Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being amazing. THank you for your strength, courage, and patience.
Thank you for all the times you watched when I called "Mommy! Watch me Mommy!" and then did some underwater summersault, followed by "Wait! I messed up! Watch again!"
You rock!
It's good to be me cause I have you as my mother.
I love you.


Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Thank you sweetie! It was you who first made me a mother, and it is still an adventure learning to be the mother to a continually evolving person.
Through you I gain other worlds, whether it is learning about the newest place you are living, or life in an oncology ward, or a new fashion or song. You are not me, but you make me more than I would otherwise be.
I think that after 28 years of Motherhood, I am still learning about what it means to BE a mother. And its all such an interesting adventure.

Lovella ♥ said...

Ok, now you and your mom have me in tears. There is something so special in a mom and daughter relationship.
I love my sons, but they don't say quite that many words. With them its more like. Good job mom . .keep it up. (I always laugh)

You have a special bond, it is clear to see.
I admire from a distance . .the love.

Julie said...

A beautiful tribute, Laura, and so well expressed! Obviously you and your mother have a very special bond as Lovella noted.
That is something for you to treasure and a delight for others to see!

Your mother and I apparently have at least two things in common -- I also am known to be totally 'direction - challenged', and I also don't like 'noise'!