Saturday, May 12, 2007

Nurse's Week

I just thought I would share some of the fabulous gifts my current hospital has given to me, as well as the rest of the staff, to express their appreciation.
The first night, we were all given a Nestle Crunch bar, and a plastic laminated card that says in very large letters "RN" to go behind our ID badge to make us more easily identifiable. I thought that was strange, but whatever.
Then we were given the "big gift" of the day, which was a plastic cup, not unlike the big gulp plastic cups you get at 7-11. But these had pictures of ethnically diverse nurses smiling.
Last night we were treated to "commission our own subs." We went down to the cafeteria and got a sub sandwich, as well as cookies (4 types), coconut cream pie, sodas, and a variety of chips.
Tonight we had a coffee cart come by. Too bad I don't drink coffee. They did have some more chocolate chip cookies.
There have also been gift baskets bigger than I could lift stuffed with assorted goodies including, but not limited to, 3 types of popcorn, m&m like things called "Earnies," sour balls, marshmallow fluffs, raspberry hard candies, trail mixes, chex mixes, and I can't remember what else.
I can only surmise that they are trying to fatten us up.
Then, and I cannot come up with a reason, they brought us up "folding chairs." That's what they call them. Most of us call them foot rests. After all the goodies they have brought us, there is no way they can expect us to get our volumptuous butts onto the tiny 1 foot square piece of fabric stretched across 2 bars.
It is certainly an amusing thought though.
I tried sitting in it, and it did hold me up! Granted, it sits about 12 inches above the ground, so I felt like I might as well have sat on the floor, but it should be nice to keep in the back of the car for just in case of whatever.

I hear they are going to give massages to the nurses 2 times during this week. I also hear they made you wait in line for about 20 minutes and the massage lasted maybe 5, and was hardly worth it. On the other hand, I love massages, and I will take what I can get.
It is good to be me cause the week is almost over! Next week I get to go to hospital orientation (even though I have been working for 2 weeks now) and I will get my ID badge too.
I love going to orientations because it is like being paid to sit and listen to a commercial. I like to get caught up on my writing to friends. Quality time!

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