Friday, February 01, 2008

How's that again?

I'm really having a hard time, when after I say "Thank you," my patients respond back with "Thaynk yeeeewwww!" I just wince every time! And I get a flashback to Sweet Home Alabama! Every bloody time!
And I am thoroughly amused with the GASTOINTESTINAL SURGEON, who, despite having at least 12 years of training and who knows how many years of practice, still shows up in his Wranglers and cowboy boots to sign his charts. You know he actually does surgery in them too. I've seen it before, and I had forgotten that, though blocked memories. Still gets me every time.
Amusing as all get out. It's good to be me cause I'm amused by it.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Ahhh, just a few more reminders of the things I miss about Texas!