I travel for fun. One of my favorite games is "Guess where I'm calling from!" I hope you will enjoy living vicariously though me.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Ah Hilton Head
One of the other "guests." At the far west side of the island in the marina.
Well, they weren't quite as grand as the yachts in the harbor, but they sure were enticing.
Our own beach. Just off of the resort. Just how I picture the Great Gatsby beaches to have looked. Nothing quite like the eastern rambling dune beaches.
The "Midnite in the garden of good and evil" replica. Interesting story, that statue was actually for a young girl's grave. I did not get the details of how she died, but after the movie came out, so many people were trampling on her grave to see the statue, and breaking it to take pieces of it home that the family removed it, and donated it to a museum, under the condition that it has it's own security guard. So now it does. And locals will not tell where the girls plot lies, but it is now at least not disrespected.
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