Wednesday, August 06, 2008

So here I sit in orientation for my fabulous new job, which I have decided is quite the perfect job for me and every day I am "practicing" my job I am finding that I love more and more.
Today, I am learning the "computer charting" aspect of my job. We use a computer system called Mysis. As far as I am concerned, it is one of the easiest to use computer systems I have ever used. Lots of boxes to check, screens stay red until they are all filled out and then they turn green (green means go) when everything is filled out and ready to be saved. Lots of nice, tidy fill in the blanks and it's way easy to navigate. I love it so far. And it has pretty colors. Most of the blanks are white or aqua or navy. One of my favorite color schemes! Woo hoo!
Now what IT person stops to think of the color design aspect of their program? The good ones I work with!
I wonder, though, if the reason I think it is easy is because for the last 5 years I have been learning a completely new computer system every 3 months or so. Hmmmmm...
It's funny the names that people come up with for these things. This one was my favorite:
Last Word.
So, knowing IT people can be a bit on the boring side, but my instructor is an RN, and I am certainly not a boring person, I like to have some fun with this practice charting. Being the creative person that I am, and knowing none of this is going to be saved or actually attached to the patients chart, I like to make practice entries like this:
"Upon entering home, pt is observed to be sitting in her recliner wearing a dingy white wifebeater, smoking a cigarette, and watching her proclaimed favorite TV show. She appears discheveled, and is not wearing pants."
Intervention: Jumped on the couch with her, grabbed some popcorn, and told her to shut her trap.
Evaluation: Pt started shouting "I love Bob Barkker! I love Bob Barkker!" and doing her happy dance which consisted of hopping on one foot at a time and shaking her butt, flinging urine across the room and into my popcorn. I excused myself from the situation and requested that she put her pants on, which she did, and then we got new popcorn and continued to watch tv. Pt tolerated visit well.

I must say things like that are more amusing than the tradition "Pt complains of shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting."

Life is short! Spice it up! This is one of my rare opportunities to express my creativity within my profession.
Other examples of my "expressions" for your enjoyment:

Medication indication: Wackiness.
Allergies: Death
Son's name: Gunn, Sonofa

It's good to be me!


Anonymous said...

You are having way too much fun at your new job!!!! But, we are glad your enjoying it!! Love, S

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

well, just so you know...I am commenting on this sitting at ref desk with my big Easter hat on my head and lace gloves.

No one seems the least bit curious.
See? You really CAN wear a hat everywhere.