Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I checked my mail again, like I usually do. I know I just had a birthday, and I know 31 may seem old to some people,but my curiousity was fantastically piqued.

I mean, COME ON! 31 is not that old!!!!

So I guess I am entirely, legally, technically a Card carrying AARP old fogie. Now, where's my cane?


Anonymous said...

My goodness! They really are trying to change their image or something. Maybe they want a young pretty girl for their mascot or new representative or 'who knows'. Makes a good story! Love, S

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

I'm pretty sure I didn't have you when I was five years old....

Anonymous said...

So much for data base accuracy. That card is worth real savings at IHOP, hospital gift shops, and Leisure World. Use it well. And yes, you will be carded! dad

Vicki said...

What a hoot! I was still in my 40s when I got my AARP card and I thought that was young.

Happy Belated Birthday, by the way!!

Sara at Come Away With Me said...

Gosh, they're snagging people younger and younger these days! Once upon a time you had to be at least 50 to get one of these in the mail...

...and you don't even look 31 yet!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club!
I will give you one of my canes and then you can apply for Social Security before it is all gone.
Love you,Grandpa D.