Thursday, November 19, 2009

3rd times the charm, right?

A while ago I tried to make a dish as a thank you for one of my neighbors. I usually don't follow recipes *exactly* as they should be followed. This time was no different. I did actually read through ALL the directions before I got started to make sure I actually had the ingredients. It called for flour (check) milk (check) eggs (check) powdered sugar (check) cinamon (no check...allergic...substitute nutmeg, check) butter (check) and a 12 inch skillet (um, no check.) So I made due with a pie tin, seeing as how it was a pie/cake thing.
I started to melt the butter on the stovetop mixed with the nutmeg and sugar. Quickly, I had smoke billowing and a near disaster of fire. Turns out pie tins don't tolerate high temperature stovetops. Thank GOD I didn't set off the fire alarms.
After fumigating my home, with all fans on and windows open, oh, and after locking the kittens in the bathroom so they did not excape, I re-evaluated and opted for plan two.
Cake pan.
Cake pan went onto the stove top on high heat....I am going to pause this story right here to point out that my "cake pan" is a 9x13 inch ceramic, uh, cooking thingie. Most of you can guess what happened next. For those of you, like me, who is wondering "THEN WHAT HAPPENED?!?!" I will continue...
I did not even get the butter into the cake pan cooking thingie before I heard a deafening ***CRACK*** and looked over to see my nice, brand new cake pan broken completely in 2 pieces.
With that, I picked up one of the pumpkins I had bought to decorate with, and walked upstairs with it and the burnt pie pan, knocked on my neigbors door, and showed him what I was trying to make, (because it was the thought that counts...) and said thank you, handing him the pumpkin, which was heartily appreciated and he was thoroughly amused. He said he would also tell his boyfriend (yep, gay) that I stopped by, and thank you for the pumpkin.
But the 3rd time is the charm, and I successfully made the dish, as pictured above, in a (wait for it...) SKILLET! Of course, by then I was expecting that the handle would melt off, but it actually didn't, which was quite appreciated.
It is good to be me, with determination that pays off, and the dish was quite yummy! And, no, I didn't take my third attempt up to share. I ate it myself and basked in my success!!!


Anonymous said...

Looks yummy!! Third time is charmed!
Love, Grma S.

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Looks tasty to me!