Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Dear Dad,

OK, Dad, here's the pics you asked for. For everyone else out in bloggerland, my awesome Dad has volunteered to come out and be a handiman slave for me for 2 whole days!!!! The kittens requested that they play jingle ball with them the entire time, but I have some other plans. I am sure they will get a bit of jingleball in though.
The kitchen light:

Closer up of the light in the kitchen.

Top of sink:

Underside of sink:

CLose up shot of the disposal.

An undershot of the sink and disposal. The disposal is an optional project. I don't have the new one yet, since I was a bit nervous to buy the wrong one.
This is the light I installed that worked before I put it up, and now it doesn't, and, yes, I changed the bulb and also switched the wires. They are lavender and pale yellow.
This is the light in the bathroom that I would love to have moved over to at least be over the sink. I am going to be getting a new light fixture, so maybe we don't have to move it, just get one that will cross over?

...and these are the kittens who need to be entertained.

Thank you Dad!

1 comment:

Janitha said...

Looks like Bernie will have a hand full.... of kittehz that iz... ;)