Monday, March 15, 2010

St. Patricks Day Parade 3.13.10

I was all set! Bring on the parade!

I had a blast with the tattoos!!! I could never get a real one, cause you can't move it or change it, but the temporary ones are just the best.

And I got an Irish hickey. Stupid Shamrock necklace! It left it's mark on me alright! If you click on the picture, you can see the eyeshadow skills. I made the Irish flag!!!

These guys, of course, were my absolute favorite! (besides the little girls with their larger than life curls doing Irish dance)

I felt sorry for these poor dudes. It must have gotten tiring to hold that position!

Our old friend, Tony, was playing again~ just like every other year. Great guy, actually from Ireland, great sence of humor. If you see him play, make sure you don't get out your cell phone, or have a beer in your hand. Especially not both at the same time. His favorite thing is to pick you out of the crowd in mid-song, make you stand up and "Chug it! Drink it all down! Now! Shake yer arse!!!"
Good times!

Bonnie lassies, no?

Yup, it's good to be me EVERY ST.PATRICKS DAY!!!


Unknown said...

Great day. Thanks for inviting us :)

Anonymous said...

You look like it was a great fun day, even with the extra green shading on your neck. Who cares, it was a time for green where ever it showed up. Green is definitely your color. You look so cute!
Love, gr-ma S.