Saturday, May 29, 2010


So, yes, school has begun. So I am covered in papers. Essentially, one paper specifically. I am working on a paper/presentation due on Tuesday on an assigned philosophy of education. Essentialism. Just in case you felt like playing along with the masters course, I have included one of the "references" I used to determine which one would be my own "educational philosophy."
Granted, I already have my answers filled in, but you can certainly get your own answers to find out....

"What is my educational philosophy??"

I know the question has been burning in your soul for ages and you are just oh-so-greatful for giving you the tools to become enlightened! Enjoy!

As you can see, I scored highest on "progressionism." Makes for interesting conversation. Cessa & Hensley are Existentialists.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you are a very busy girl. Lots of papers all over the place. Hope Cessa and Hensly are helping! Love, gr-ma S.

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

I'll get back to you as to my score.

C & H are deep thinkers. Or maybe just asleep.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are off to a good start. You always were ahead of the pack in progressive thinking! Cessa and Hensley are smart enough to know they don't have to do any deep thinking because all they have to do is look cute.
Love you, G-ma D.