Monday, July 05, 2010

Oh, but these boys could rock out! At one point they all roused around the drummer and "gave him all they got!" It seemed that they all took a turn with the different instruments, which made even more delightful
But this guy, with his Australian whateveritscalled, well, it definately added a certain something.
I also loved how they got out and meandered through the crowd, oftentimes giving the little kids one of the drumsticks to beat with.
But, yeah, these guys rocked it.
I am quite certain I will never tire of hearing good bagpiping skills.
As long as I don't have to listen to them learn to play the bagpipes, as I did growing up.
As a Helix Highlander, I got to hear the "new to piping" guys learn to make the pipes "sing." It resulted in sounding like cats were being skinned alive. Not a pleasant sound at 7 in the morning.
But if they grow up to be as good as these guys, well, it was well worth it!
And now, for your futher hearing enjoyment, a few more videos.

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