Saturday, September 10, 2011

Estancia Foods

Sitting in the front yard of the estancia, one of the staff suggested I have a pomegranate from the yard. I stained my shirt with its juices, and it was totally, completely worth it!
The wine was divine, and the lemon mousse just right after a long day.
Tea, jams and homemade breads were ready for us upon returning from our horseback ride, and very welcomed.
One of the other guests had gone hunting and had gotten some hares, which were turned into a stew....
...and the dish to the right of that was from the birds he shot.
Perfectly scrumptious!!!
The group who were there, none of the names of whom I can remember, but the lady sitting to my side was the leader for the horseback rides. The guy at the head of the table did the hunting and was the British husband of the girl on the far left. They live in Pennsylvania, and her mother is in pink, and now lives in Buenos Aires. She had told me that the hotels along the roadways were rented "by the hour" and were used for "inappropriate recreational use" and warned me to be wary! Yes, I was scared, and very, very glad to get to sleep in my own, very very safe room for the evening. I made a mental note to not stay anywhere unless it was in a city! (or estancia)

...and I headed off to bed, tired and ready for the next day of adventure.

1 comment:

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

A most memorable meal for you. Good tip to know about the hotels should I ever have a reason to travel in that area.