Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Stepping back in time...

 So we made up a skit! Me: "What could be wrong with this poor camper? Does he have a frog in his throat? Something wrong with his belly button? Lost his marbles? Something wrong with his adam's apple? Are there butterflies in his stomach? Hey lead nurse! I need a second opinion!": (enter Dallas..)
 Dallas RN: "I see what is wrong with him! He broke his funny bone!!!"
 It was hilarious!!!
(this is the "gotta go Weee!" skit)
 Dallas and I had a blast coming up with that skit! I think the team staff thought it was a lot funnier than the kids. Ah well.
 Being at camp, making friends, well, it brought back memories!~
 Memories of being a camper...
 ...and team staff. But I was glad to not have to do some of the skits...like this one!
Ah, yes, the messy-er, the better!

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