Monday, January 21, 2013

Evening in Palma De Mallorca

 When Crystal and I got back to the room, there was the cokes and water we had asked for, in spades! The 6 pack was a nice touch!
 We bundled up and went for an evening walk about the town. We kept noticing the graffiti, but were amused that the graffiti was quite lovely! I think I can handle this type of graffiti
 The sky line of Palma
 This part reminded me of home...sweet San Diego harbor
 But with a twist. I enjoyed reading the names of the boats.
 We stopped for some coffee and hot chocolate...
 ...and found the garbage cans to be quite interesting! No rubber duckies in the above one, but you can put them in red one!
 The map of the city
 We enjoyed watching the sunset from the ship
 ...and were amused by our neighboring cruise line, with lipstick!

You can see the cathedral to the left, and the beach to the far right where I swam. Great day!

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