Saturday, January 27, 2007

Just me.

It is nice to wake up to blue sky. On monday I fly in to Minnesota for a wedding I will be in, and I wonder how I will tolerate the cold. It is supposed to get up to 16 degrees. So a bridesmaid dress with matching Uggs should be just the ticket. I am very excited about her marriage, she waited so long, and was so patient and faithful. I know 29 is not that old, but sometimes it can seem like an eternity. But it gives me hope that just the right man is indeed out there, and hopefully he is getting his act together so that when we meet, there will be nothing that needs to be fixed or finished first. I pray he will have everything accomplished that he had set out to do, just as I have. And then it will be better than I ever could have imagined. I have faith that all will fall softly into place at the right time. Until then, it is good to be just me.

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