Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Heart sore

Some people you meet were meant for just that certain time period in your life, and then they disappear, but you are forever changed by them. This week has been especially hard for that. I am coming to the end of my assignment, so the goodbyes are starting.
One particular doctor beat me to the punch by letting me know his last day is in 2 days, but of course I will not be at work for those 2 days. He and his wife will be moving back to Illinois. Turns out some people like having 20 or more acres to live on. Us Californians don't have a clue as to what an acre is. Let alone how big that translates to. We are happy with anything more than 500 square feet, and it can be up in the air, like a highrise.
Anyhow, I digress.
This doctor is one of my alltime favorites. And for me to sing the praises of a doctor, well, that's just saying a lot. He inspires me to be even more caring, more concerned, more appreciative of my patients and has taught me so much about palliation.
My patient, who I was very busy with trying to get her to keep from coding on me but I managed to get transfered to the ICU, died. Yesterday she was walking around, changing her own bed linens much to our dismay. She was sweet. I enjoyed being her nurse. I enjoyed her.
I know one is more "final" than the other, but either way, I probably won't ever see either one again.
My heart is sore over losing them.
It is good to be me, but sometimes it is good to be surrounded by others whom you have come to have impressed upon your soul. I take them with me in my memories. It will have to be enough. And I have hopes of seeing them again. It happens sometimes.

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