Thursday, May 24, 2007

Decision made!

So I decided to come visit my brother for the weekend. Funny thing is, he's not here. Won't be here until late tomorrow evening. So why did I come so early knowing that?
He has a cat.
Mouser. His name used to me Sebastian, which is very formal and serious, but if you have seen pictures of this cat, you will see how undignified he actually is. When I asked my brother why he named him Mouser, he shrugged and replied nonchalantly, "Because when he meow's it's more like "mou." "
Sounds like mowh. not so much like mouse. So he is one of my 4 favorite "mou-mous."
It's good to be me cause I get the kittie all to myself, even if it is just for one night. I miss having a kittie!


Lovella ♥ said...

You and the kit have a fun time. I half expected you to say that your brother had gone to surprise visit you. Gotta love family communications . . .

Julie said...

Hi Laura, I am a cat lover...have had cats all my life except now that we are semi-retired.
So pet kitty Sebastian/Mouser (a rose by any other name!) for me and enjoy his purrrring. There is nothing like the sound of a cat's purr. It is contentment vocalized!