Thursday, May 17, 2007

NIght shift

I worked the night shift for about 5 years, during school and after. Now I know most of you "older" people still think 28 is young, but it has been about 2 years since I have worked nights, and it is so much harder than I remember it being!
I still love that usually (knock on wood) it is slower, and I have time to do stuff like this. Blog. And sit. And talk to my patients. When they are awake that is. It seems these patients are all about sleeping. Not that I mind. I'm just a little jealous.
That is wrong on some level. Me wanting to trade places with a cancer patient. Well, stranger things have happened.
The first night of a 2 or 3 night stent is definately the hardest. Around 11 my body starts to protest, insisting that it is time to lay down and close my eyes. Then, by 2, my body is so confused it does not know if it is coming or going.
I have taken to walking down the halls for 20 minute increments, if time and patients allow for it.
Double bonus: it keeps me more awake, and I am getting paid to work out! Cool deal.
It is good to be me, since I am getting paid to blog at the moment. It's all about how you look at things. Between the blood, the platelets, the potassium, I can blog.
I also just wanted to take a moment to say how much I enjoy getting to read all of your blogs. I am impressed with the beauty and energy that gets poured out into this cyber world through all your blogs. Keep it up, ladies and gentlemen!

1 comment:

Lovella ♥ said...

My opinion of nursing took on a whole new level when I started to watch my daughter in law deal with shift work.
Not only do you need to stay alert but then you need to sleep when everyone else is wide awake.
However, . . I am glad that you have a moment or two to visit with us,
consider yourself hugged by a nurse lover. (smile)