Monday, December 10, 2007

Strike up Christmas!

Ah, yes. It shall be a white Christmas! Jeff strung up the old fashoned glass lights in the backyard for our enjoyment from the couch. Our first paper whites are starting to bloom! Very exciting!

And the tree... The Tree! It was hand selected in a light rain by my parents two favorite kiddos, together, peacefully. The first Christmas gift, Mom. Your kids cooperating!

Second Christmas gift, we even decorated it together with gentle traditional Christmas music lending a sweet ambiance. Yes, we accomplished task number 2 together, peacefully.

I think it is looking pretty good, don't you? It is so good to be me now that I can share again!


Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

*sigh* it is just perfect! I can't wait to sip hot cocoa and stare out the window beside the tree.

Lovella ♥ said...

Hey, you are back. What a festive looking house. It will be perfect. Nice tree, very nice tree.