Sunday, January 06, 2008


Well, I counted it up, and I kept a grand total of 1 resolution from last year! 1! This is why I always have one that I will be sure to keep. So here goes my Resolutions for 2008:
1. Turn the Big 3-0!
2. Write to 1 friend a month. E-mail does not count.
3. Call each Grandparents at least once a month.
4. Save $100 per paycheck.
5. Write a book. Probably a novel, but we shall see...
6. Get under (190) pounds. Sheesh I hate that obligatory weight loss goal.)
7. Pay off Credit cards.
8. Visit the last of the 50 states. Kentucky.
9. Visit one other country, Mexico and Canada don't count since I've already been there.
10. Become a member of a church.
Happy New Year!!!! Belated just makes it more fun! It's good to be me and it's really going to be a great year.


Lovella ♥ said...

Laura, I'm catching up on your blog. I hope you don't mind that I'll comment on several at one time here.
I Love your spare parts to your car, you might want to send that thing up here for Miss Ella. It might save us some money.
The swanky decor in the motel is almost back in style. Kind of retro I thought.
YOur new years resolutions just made me smile. I think I should make my own list. It seems like a good idea.
Have fun in Houston. I can't wait to see your redo of the guest room.

Vicki said...

Good resolutions, Laura (except for the weight-loss thing - I quit making any promises to myself about losing weight). Let me guess - turning 30 is the attainable resolution!

When you're ready to visit Kentucky, I can make all kinds of suggestions (I was born there and spent my first 38 years there, and my daughter, Laura, lives there with her hubby).

Julie said...

Where those resolutions to be completed in ONE year or a decade??
You are going to be one busy girl !! I'll be watching !!! BIG SMILE !!!