Margo's Painting the Town Red 30th Birthday Celebration!!!
Ah, the Birthday Girl!
Our theme for the day was "Painting the Town Red!"
So we took the day to indulge all 3 parts: 1. Painting.
We started the morning with PAINTING our toes and nails, what color other than RED!
Margo (above) went with Rendezvous, a pinkier version of red with fun sparkles.
Crystal painted her toes "I love hue!"
I myself, went with "Go Crazy Red."
It was sooo fun! Since I was the photographer, there weren't too many pictures about me, which is just as well since it was Margo's birthday! Yeah, she was the Star! Or at least I hope to have made her feel so!

Makes you feel like a million bucks getting a manicure and pedicure!
Don't we look lovely?

What a bunch of hotties!
OK, so guess whose toes they are....
Top is Margo's, next is Crystals, and then mine in the flip-flops. Margo and Crystal got cute little daisy type flowers. Very, very cute! I think mine were suposed to be roses. Who knows!
So task 1 of Painting the Town Red was accomplished! Pit stop for Mermaid! I brake for mermaids.....
After the start of painting, we worked up an appetite, so on to lunch in Old Town!

What a great enterance to the Plaza!

Looking hot!!!

Feeling hungry!!!

Love the shades Margo is sporting!

I guess I lucked out since I got the drink menu...

Margaritas, anyone?

Margo got a Mango Margarita, not red, but she IS the birthday girl so she can do whatever she wants!

Crystal sipping on her Strawberry Margarita. Very RED. Very yummy!

I had a Rasberry Margarita. Keeping with the RED, inside and out!

Yummy Choco-Taco! Cute red cherry!!! Only in San Diego will you get a taco for dessert!

At each stop on the Party day, Margo was presented with a fun little present. At the Nail place, it was a "It's my birthday" light up pin.

For the upcoming Trolley Tour around Town, she got Birthday Sunglasses, you know, to keep the sun and wind our of her eyes.

Here we see Margo showing off one of her many skills. Keep a close eye on the cherry stem!

Ta-da!!! A perfect Knot without any use of her hands. Impressive!

Next up: Trolley Tour of the Town
Margo holding up the trolley. Just kidding!
Any opportunity to pose, right?
Watch out! Crystal is on the loose!
Even an older lady on the tour kept with our Red theme!
We had actually missed the 2 o'clock planned boarding time. And the 2:30. And the last one at 3. What's a girl to do but catch a cab to catch up with it at the next stop? I'm not letting this Birthday Girl down!
Yeah, that's us throwing our "Gang Signs." 30 in da' house!!! West-side!
The tour took us down through the Gaslamp Quarter and over the Coronado Bridge. I hope you are enjoying being on the virtual tour! We sure enjoyed it!
We went around Horton Plaza, through Balboa Park and around Coronado.
One of my favorite shots of the bridge. Can't tell it's actually sky blue, but a great shot nonetheless.
WOo-hoo!!! It's my birthday!!!

The weather was absolutely perfect for our tour of the TOWN.

Just perfect!
Looking back towards our town...
Traffic wasn't too bad either.
Sweet home San Diego!
What a great Birthday! And I must say, Margo looks so cool in those shades!
One of the beautiful, vintage houses that was actually dragged across the island to this location by horses. Crazy!

We learned little bits of history as we toured. Funny how even with having lived there all my life (when not on tour...) you still can learn interesting things.
We were glad to be missing most of the traffic headed back on the last leg of the tour, and we were getting excited about our next part of the day.
Goodbye trolley, hello ceramics!
Andrea, another highschool friend, demonstrates how cool we are in our own private room.

We had friends, paintbrushes, and wine. Of course, it was mostly RED wine.

Heather, a college friend, and I painting. She's the one who got married this past October. She had never met Margo, but then again, neither had Crystal! I've got some great friends and they really made the day more fun!

There were a total of 6 of us for the Painting Ceramics portion of the party day. Going clockwise starting with Margo: Margo, Danielle (another highschool friend), Heather, Myself, and Andrea. Crystal was taking the picture.

This is Margo's Birthday Goblet! Fancy! Nothing but the best for my friends! Andrea had gotten it for Margo to distinguish her from the rest of us lower, plastic cup wine drinkers. Her little gift, too, was her Birthday Girl Sash. Stunning!

This was my plate, which I had all the girls sign. It will dry a much brighter red color. Which reminds me, someone will have to pick that up for me....Margo!
Next stop, RED Lobster!
Going clockwise again starting from the left, Heather, Christine (Margo's brother Seth's wife), Seth (Margo's Brother), The birthday girl herself, Danielle, Andrea, Laura and Diana. I say Seth was lucky to be surrounded by beautiful women!
The "29 Forever" light up tiarra was dinners little gift! So fun!
We laughed, we cracked up, we celebrated, and we finished with cake topped with RED strawberries. I forgot my camera for the final part of the party; hitting the TOWN, but you can imagine how much fun we had! Happy 30th Birthday Margo!!!!! (yes, again!)
Wow Laura what a great friend you are. I hope that you will be treated to the same effort and unbelievable fun that you treat your friends too. It looks like you all had a wonderful time but that doesn't just happen. . someone makes it happen.
Your party was a huge success, I'm so glad my toe nails are currently freshly painted red. I feel quite included.
wow! Those are great pictures. I think they all turned out so great. I had so much fun.
You DO look lovely !!
What a red-delicious day !!
This is so cute really should study photography & start doing weddings. If your nursing skills are anything like your photography/scrapbooking/wedding planning skills, then your patients are VERY LUCKY!!
Love 'ya!
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