Sunday, August 10, 2008

Some of the funnier ones

The cake! The cake! Who wrote that blasted "O-word" on the cake! Shame, shame shame!!!
OOH! That shaved ice was COLD!!!!

These were the loosers of the party. She claims that she dressed 20's because "Dr. Suess was born in the 20's and my shirt has Dr. Suess characters on it." LAME! Her husband didn't even try to come up with an excuse. He just complained that he had to park so far way (a block away.) Mind you, the invitations were very clear that costumes were REQUIRED.
And this is my very special, took an hour and a half to do, hair do....after the rollercoaster and the convertable with the top down. Lovely. I look like Ronaldd McDonnald. (sic)
Mom's after effects of the snowcone. Nice tongue Mom!
Weeeeee!!!!! I'm having fun at my party!!!! I love champagne!!!!!
Someone must have said something funny!
Margo in the top-down convertible, in transit! Man, but we did have fun!!!
You must be asking yourself, what is a convict doing with a pick ax? Well, with my Grandpa, it just makes sence. The bigger question is, what's a gal like that doing with an excaped convict?
Aah, what a great time.


Anonymous said...

Great captions on the pictures, good choices to fit your blog title. Love S.

Janitha said...

Weeeeee!!!! I love champagne toooo!!!

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

An for the record...Seuss was born in 1904. Two decades before the Roaring Twenties.