Sunday, September 21, 2008

And I quote...

"Things ain't been too good around here!"

(That one is for my grandpa...and all who know him)

In keeping with the "happy thoughts/Ikea" mentality, I will post an "all things orange" tribute. As we all know, you are what you eat. My hair is my proof, but here's my all things orange lunch. Yummy!!!

I also post this wonderful food for another purpose. All you who know me know that I am way not political. At all. In the least. California there is a proposition, Prop 8, which simply states in 14 words that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Simple, yet there is so much backlash and rejection of this idea that there is a chance it will not pass. If it does not, pastors may be sued for not marrying same sex partners. It would mean that potentially, churches may stop performing marriage ceremonies at all to be "fair" to all. If they will not marry same sex, they would have to also make a blanket policy that they simply do not do marriages/weddings. There was already a $60,000 (I might be mistaken on the monitary value of the lawsuit) lawsuit that a pastor in New Jersey refused to allow a lesbian couple to marry on their 30 feet of beach property. Mind you, the jersey shore stretches for miles and miles, and why the couple insisted on those 30 feet or so, well, I wonder.

Anyhow, this brings me to a point. I am going to be joining with a huge movement to pray for and fast for this prop to pass. I will be starting a fast as of Sept 24. I have not yet decided on the specifics of how to fast in a healthy and safe way, but I am sure pizza won't be eaten during that time.

There are a lot more ramifications that will go down if this prop fails, but I won't go into it. Like I said, I'm not a political person. If you want more information about it, you can google it, I am sure.

But please be praying for me, for all the Californian voters, and for California itself. This could get icky. And as it is said, "As goes for California, it will go for the world."

Anyhow, it's good to be me and still eat pizza. For now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm...I wonder if the reason my son-in-law's favorite color is orange is because of my daughter's hair, or did he choose my daughter because his favorite color is orange?

Definitely in prayer for you...and fast safely and wisely! (!)