Saturday, December 20, 2008

Momma Meme'd Me!

My Momma Meme's Me, so Here it is! 4th picture from the 4th folder. To be quite honest, I have no idea what this is a picture of, and i am sure it is not one of my own pictures. See, this happens when you share media with friends and family, which is so fun because you get to see interesting images!
I am guessing this is from my Mother, since the date is from 2005, and yet I did not have any digital pictures in 2005, since my computer crashed and wiped all those out, and my mother's camera is goofy and is off by about 2 years.,
So there you have it.
Not entirely helpful, but fun nonetheless.
It's good to be me!


Lovella ♥ said...

love your title Laura. . .so fun. You certainly come from clever stock that is for certain.
I agree that it looks like your mom's pictures. . she loves seeing the light in water and so on. . .such artistic eyes. .

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...'s gotta be something with koi. Did I have a digital in Hawaii? What a mystery!