Last night I decided to celebrate the last of my 4 day holiday stretch off work. My "celebration" consisted of a nice hot bath, candles, (OK, just 1 candle) 2 kittens snoopervising, and some nice music. What celebration bath is complete without a fizzy-ball? None.
(Fizzy balls are fantastic solid powdered bath salt thingies, that once you drop into the water begin to fizzle, releasing pleasant aromatherapeutic scents, soft skinned fantabulousness.)
So I had the bath all prepared, slipped into the water and dropped my newest fizzy-ball into the water.
Now, I was all into the Christmas scene yesterday, so I grabbed the one with the shiney green wrap. Most are lavender, or melon, or strawberry or some other girly smell.
What I was not expecting was the intriguing scent that then filled the room.
I felt like I was in a tub of toothpaste.
I tried to relax, I tried to think of relaxing, but I simply could not get past the mint smell.
I felt the draw to go brush my teeth taking over me.
So take it from me. Mint is not relaxing. Mint is not a soothing scent. Mint is not romantic, calming, or anything else happy.
Unless toothpaste makes you happy.
The bath ended up being cut short. Not even the kittens liked it. They wrinkled up their nose at it. Very unkittenlike.
Anyhow, learn from my mistakes. Don't choose Mint for your next fizzyball bath.
YOu can thank me later.