Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Before and After, in the works

So the master bedroom used to be a beautiful shade of *ahem* green tea ice-cream....
I had to get something on the wall to show the contrast. Well, that, and to make my mark on the room! The bedroom, in shade of Afterglow. Crystal and I were kidding around about the theme of the room, and, taking a suggestion from the Cosi's cup I was drinking from, decided upon "Polite sophistication." Sure!


Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Polite sophistication...drinking from a cozi cup. Hmmm. Guess you've got a way to go personally with that concept.

The green tea was pretty, but I can't see you in it in a bedroom.

Head on!

Anonymous said...

Interesting that your Mom and I have also painted our master bedrooms in the coral shade. We did ours first and I still love the color.Soon your whole place will seem brand new with having all the rooms are doing a great job! Love you, G-ma D