Sunday, January 02, 2011

Front Page!!! Again!!!

I don't know how many times my mother told me not to go out of the house without makeup, ok, well, my mother never told me that, but somebody did, because sure enough, after running a 5K back in May, with sweat pouring down, and no makeup on, and only my glasses on, with my hair not brushed back in a pony tail, yes, at 5 AM, that is the EXACT time people want to take my picture and put it on the front of a nationally published magazine. Again. This time my name didn't make it, but my cheezy smile did. On the right. Ugh. This time it was on the ONS (Oncology Nursing Society) Foundation Newsletter. Volume 17. Number 2. Fall 2010. Just in case you wanted to look it up. It's good to be me. Better when I'm not all sweaty, but hey. What's a girl to do?
(OK, so really, I like it. But next time, crazy world, wait to take my picture in something a little more flattering, eh?)


Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Real runners always look like you look in the picture.

Anonymous said...

Proud of you! there is something beautiful about a women with a slight sheen of perspiration raised from a run...too bad cats dont