Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Another 1st!

Ok, so I forgot to rotate the picture, but you get the gist. Kirsiella is now 1 year old! Her Mommy threw her a birthday party to be shared with her daddy's going away party. I can't imagine having to leave a 1 year old, but duty calls.

Turning 1 with all these people watching can sure be daunting! Kirsiella liked her little tu-tu skirt. I had bought her a "ruffle-butt" pair of pants, not pictured.

Her Daddy sure is proud of his little girl!

Cake time!!!
Ah, the cake!


Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

How come you never bought me a pair of ruffle butt pants?

Anonymous said...

Nothing quite so special as the first birthday, especially the cake eating!
She is sooo cute! Beautiful blue eyes!
Her daddy is going to miss her a lot. Must be hard for him to leave. May the time pass quickly!
Love you, dear girl. S.