Monday, February 14, 2011

Love is in the air messing with people's allergies.

Love? Never heard of it!!!!
Funny story; I decided to try to make cookies for Valentines Day. Sugar cookies! I got out a recipe, and even went to the store to buy all the ingredients. Then I looked at the ingredient list again to be sure I had it all. I looked at what temperature to preheat the oven. 375.
Mix it up, add sugar and all that, then......
put in refriderator for at least an hour. UGH!!!!
When am I going to learn to read the. entire. recipe. ?
Long story short, I didn't make sugar cookies that night. I made dough.

So the next night, Yay!, cookies are "chilled." Step 2. Roll out dough with rolling pin. Check. Wait. NOT check.
(apparently this is one of those things you get when you get married. Oops.)
UGH!!! again.
Step 3: CALL GRANDMA!!!!!
So Grandma and I had an inpromptu cookie making session after work, as an excuse to get that cute picture of them together, and use her rolling pin.
I was planning on passing them out to friends, but after giving some to grandparents (as a thank you!), and eating a few, and then giving a few to the other nurse who came to help me out, and eating a few more, and giving some to the parking attendant, and eating a few, and giving some to the program representative, and eating a few, well, they didn't make it past a day and a half!!!
But, man, they were yummy!!!
Another couple still in love, or suffering from love allergies. 60+years later.... well, what do you think?
Happy Valentines Day to everyone in love! And to everyone else (like me) Happy Love Sucks Day!!!!
(nah, I love lots of people! Some of them being the ones in this posting. Everyone else, you know who you are! You never stop loving someone! :)


Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Fed Ex is bringing some love your on the look out!
(And hope the box delivery won't mess you up.)

Anonymous said...

Your cookies were beautiful, and more fun to make by sharing the experience. A hint in case you need a rolling pin at some other time and don't have one handy, a wine bottle or any cylinder shaped bottle can be used in a pinch. I've done it myself in the past.
Happy Valentines Day, we love you lots and send you big hugs. and S.

Janitha said...

Oooh I could have used some of those in my belly!! But instead I got a card. Thank you so much for thinking of me ♥♥♥