Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 3: Snorkel spot #2

The tour guide found a sea urchin which stuck to my hands.
This little blue fish was adorable!!! The coral was beautiful, and sharp!

I could not get over the beauty of the urchins deep color in contrast to the coral.

I'm not sure if this is a baby coral, but I hope it gets bigger. It is beautiful!!!

This guy was kind enough to hold still long enough to get a picture of it's perfectly aqua eyes.

But this guy, this magestic lion fish!!! He took my breath away!!! I don't know how many pictures I took, but this one came out the best! I just stared.

A school of fishies :)

Then this guy came out to say hi! I'm pretty sure he knew that lobster season wasn't for another week, so he was happy to shake hands. He was one of 7 behind that rock.

I'm not sure what he was, but it was beautiful!

The purple and orange created an interesting pattern


These fish were smart to stay under this coral. It was tough and sharp, and I have the scratches to prove it!

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