Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 6: Tikal, Guatemala!!! (June 6th)

Tikal, Guatemala.
First, I had to leave beautiful Belize...

Hoping another plane was a delight. The 15 minute flight never seems to be enough!

Nice seats! Right up front!

I always like to convert to the local currency. Partially because that way I don't have to do math in my head if I want to buy something, and partly just to check out the other money! It's so pretty! (this was ~$120 in US dollars)

After a 5 minute taxi ride, a 15 minute flight, a 1 1/2 hour van ride, a border crossing, and another 1 hour van ride, I finally made it along with my guide from Belize, and his girlfriend.

I had no idea there were places so beautiful!!!!

The tombstone looking stones are about 10 feet tall.

I happened upon a Mayan princess!!! Maybe she was a ghost of ancient times, or maybe she was just a model. Either way, she made for a nice accent. I wished I had put on blue eyeliner and a peacock feather in my hair, but it was simply too hot!

I climbed the stairs to the top of one of the temples. I wasn't sure if I was more worried about the stairs, or the temple steps! In Belize, they had let us hike up the ruins themselves. Not here! Preservation!

Tikal is only uncovered 23%...I can only imagine how much is still buried. The twin matching temples stood guard over the common areas. I spent nearly an hours sitting on top of this one. Bliss!!!

The temple on the right is the one I had been sitting atop of earlier. Then, after a short hike, I climbed to the top of the other temple, taller than the others. Incredible 360 degree views!

Do you see all the sweat?? It was hot!

Apparently where I was standing was the 5th tallest ruin in the world! Very cool! The guide spoke about the Mayan calendar, and how the world was NOT going to end in December 2012, just start again!

The back of the temple. I think I tool about 600 pictures here. How can you not?

Walking back, I wandered about the ruins, and finally let my hair down to sit and take it all in. I love custom timers on cameras!!!

The steps echoed an ancient strength.

Every angle was captivating. The birds soaring were  mesmerizing.

Of course, I had to climb all of them!

Oh Tikal! You were such a pleasant suprise!

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