Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 7: Guatemala to Belize (June 7th, 2012)

I had my new headband from Guatemala, and decided to stop by the Belize Zoo.

No where near the size of my own zoo, but so much more intimate, and way, way less tourists!

The prices: Adult visitors: $15 (US). Child Visitors: $5 (US). Belize adults: $2 which is $1 in US dollars, and Belize children $1 which is 50 cents in US money.

They had a manatee skeleton...interesting!

and they had birds...

...and smelly boars...

...and pretty Puma kitties...

...with beautiful eyes...

...and beautiful teeth!!! (which she showed off when she yawned!)

...and pretty birdies...

...and handsome Jaguars named Junior.

Junior was raised in the zoo. He is named after Junior Seau! (or so I suspect they only tell the US visitors) For an extra $50 (USD) you could go into a cage in his cage and he would sit on top of the cage and you could pet him. Hmmm...

...For an extra $5 you could feed the Macaws, a much more colorful, and safe, alternative!

These two were hungry little buggers, but very cool to see so close!

feeding 2 at a time!

I can't remember what this guy was, but he made the cutest little noises in his sleep!

You can see the fence, equipped with an electric fence. Good thing Junior was nice!!! Beautiful kitty!

Yes, the Belize zoo was a nice stop to see some of the wildlife up a little bit closer (and safer)

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