Thursday, March 15, 2007


Highlight of the day: FIRE DRILL!!!!! Guess who got to break the glass, pull the cord down, and break out the extinguisher?!?!?!
When the "Inspector" came up, he started talking about blah blah blah, and then he mentioned "so now you can have her call 6111 (our own private emergency line, because like any of us will remember that number), and then you go break the glass and pull the handle," and that got my attention. Julia called the number, and I skipped over to Break the Glass! I can't believe we actually got to break something! Usually we just "simulate" breaking the glass. Not this time! So I tell Rachelle (Part of the "Alert" in PASS) and she jumps in with, "I wanna break the glass! How come I didn't get to break it? Do you have an extra glass?" and he did!
So of course, I went to grab my camera, which was conveniently in my bag, and we broke the glass again! Fun!!!! All hell broke loose, alarms were going off, mass amounts of people showed up, some bringing extra fire extinguishers, and we had to gather around after we shut all the doors, and answer a million questions. Of course, with traveling, I have to do Fire Safety Tests every 3 months on average for the past 4 years, so I had all t he answers.
Pull! Aim! Squeeze! Sweep! (PASS with the extinguisher at the base of the fire)
RACE! Rescue! Alert! Contain! Evacuate! (but they didn't let us actually would have been nice to have left the floor and gone outside for a while and wait for hot fire fighters to show up. Alas.)
It is good to be me! Even thought there were no firefighters around today.


L&D said...

It is good to be you! So cool. Even breaking glass! It's so funny that the simplest things make us so happy inside. I'd totally dig breaking glass too! Also, after's good to be me too!

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...