Thursday, August 16, 2007

The whole cat tour

We will have to work backwards here. Mouser is faithfully sitting by my side, adding his 2-cent purr to the story. I have made it here to Salt Lake City and am enjoying "cat napping" and generally not having to be at work yet.
I got to see Tiggie and Hart while in Houston. Tigs showed me his latest sticks and his broken meow. Quite cute though!

Hart, as usual, ignored me until it was time to eat anything, then he suddenly loved me until he discovered he didn't like it. He spent most of his time up in his tower snubbing me. Nice cat.

This one is Josh and Janitha's new baby boy. He was rescued from an airport with tar on his ears and nose. The tar burned off part of his left ear. He still has energy and spunk like any baby kitten, and has been named Turbo.

He's still working on his posing. Apart from his gray tail, a grey spot on his forehead and a tiny spot on his nose, he is entirely white. Adorable!

How big is Turbo? Sooooo big!

He has the sharpest little claws and needle teeth, but I don't think I would go so far as to say he is ferocious! Here he is "killing" my camera cord. Awww!

Spook is their other kittie. She looks like a little Miss Mess, and has a heart of gold. But boy did some dirty kittie cussing come out of her mouth when she met the new baby! I hope they are better friends now!


Lovella ♥ said...

Oh I do like kitties. They have such fun and mysterious personalities.
At this very moment, I'm wondering where your mom is. Her flight was delayed and now I think she is in Seattle waiting for a connecting flight. I want to jump in my car and fetch her but I'll wait and be patient to hear first where that would exactly be.

Gertrud said...

Spookie is now only hissing at Turbo when he gets within 1/2 foot from her.... I think that is an improvement... and let me tell you, sometimes I want to hiss at him as well. Like when he is jumping up and down on the keyboard and I have to retype everything four times after he has erased the whole screen... thanks Turbo....

Lovella ♥ said...

LOve the kitties, thanks for posting everyone!

Crystal said...

Oh My Gosh!!! I love cute. thanx for the tour...All I can say is aaaawwww....