I am standing at crossroads today, whether to start up work again, making sure of my finances, my career, my "safety net". To get back to my roots, settle down, start investing in my life and grow up.
Or to take a month off, do a medical mission trip to Peru, touching peoples lives who are currently unknown to me, trusting God that finances will be okay to not work for a whole month. See a new world.
It's a little scary, yet thrilling at the same time.
It seems like a "tri-fecta" as the Soprannos (intentionally spelled wrong) put it. God, Medicine, Travel. What's not to love?
They both seem great! Wonderful even. What to do. What to do....
What would you, as my reader, do with such an opportunity, either choice is an opportunity.
What would you, as my reader, do with such an opportunity, either choice is an opportunity.
It's good to be me, and it's good to have choices.
Wow. Decisions. Very different from the ones I'm having to make at this particular time.
If I was still single (which I'm not), and especially if I was medically trained (which I'm not), I think a medical mission trip to a far-off (yet safe enough!!!) country would be a fantastic opportunity. (Is Peru safe?) Provided, of course, your finances are in line and your budget can stretch enough! But, what really matters is having faith that God will supply your needs when you step out in faith to do His work. I say, "Go for it!"
I read your blog, to gr.pa and we talked about what you are considering. As you know, we each look at things a bit differently so our thoughts differed. We agreed it sounded like a great experience, but he couldn't imagine not feeling secure, not having a pay check, etc. while I felt it would be a once in a life time adventure and I know the Lord watches over us, so I say " Do it" Love you, Gr.ma S
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