Grandpa says, "Hi Tiggie! Hi Barney and Jull! Good to be seeing you! I just got back from a great trip!"
"The good news is, I can still salute, and do my weight lifting (drinking beer!) and I ate my breakfast real good."
"Then there's the small matter of my left hand. Boy, it sure smarts."
So that's the latest at the La Mesa house. A quick trip headed out to refill the hummingbird feeder, then a quick visit to the urgent care who basically said to go to the ER and then on to the ER, where they got to wait from about 2:00 and finally got in to get fixed up around 9:30. Survey says... broken pinkie finger in 2 places and numerous stitches on the right hand, and a quarter sized chunk of skin put back in place and secured with steri-strips and bandage on the left hand. Surprisingly little injury, and we are all doing quite fine. Gramps is just excited since the nurse said his wife should help him with showers.
All is well, and even though I did not get to help out, witness, or hang out in the ER with them, we are all just fine and dandy and in ridiculously good spirits this morning. Apparently, and ironically, Grandpa had the nurses in stitches too, cracking jokes and being a good sport.
Look out for falling grandfather! It is an epidemic!
Glad Hal is OK, and so sorry Super Nurse Laura wasn't there for all the adventure.
Hal: Pain killers are your friend. Take them!
All that to feed some humming birds? I hope they are worth it...
I can see the same pride in your Grandpas eyes as I had in mine .. .only I was in grade 2 when I broke my arm.
Oh my goodness. . glad he's still smiling.
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