Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Oohs and Eeks!

This is the good stuff! Light blue box with a little bit of silver round shiny thing! Not a ring, but better!!! My new camera. And you can see a bit of the background (lace) of the new bed I'm sleeping in too. But here's where the drama for the night happened. See, I was sitting by my computer not bothering NoBody (thanks Hal) and the motion sensor light went off outside the room. Not suprising. Now that I am on a canyon there can be varmints. And coyotes.
Anyhow, the light went off, and I turned to see if I could see anything and I did!!!
Just about fell off my chair too!!! I saw something running away (quite expected) and then it turned and ran towards me looking right at me!!! (quite UNexpected)
It seemed to be quite happy, thrilled to see me, and I certainly did NOT return the sentiment!
This big, scary, lighteyed DOG was staring at me through the window, just wagging it's long furry tail and scaring the berjeebers out of me! It wouldn't go away!
I walked out to the kitchen and it met me at the door all happy to see me. ***Shivers***
And now, an hour later, it's still sitting there!!!
I called a few friends, and they said cheese is okay for dogs to eat, seeing as I didn't have anything else and I have NO idea what dogs eat. It wasn't thirsty. It had a humaine society tag so I called that and left my name and number and the number on the well groomed dog's tag.
I hope it will be gone in the morning so I don't have to deal with it!!!
It even had a bandana!!! Sheesh!

So I took pictures to share with you folks. And one word about how "cute" he/she is, well, that's just not nice. It's a big, scary, glowyeyed monster, I tell you!!!!
It's still good to be me cause it's outside and I'm inside and I am keeping it that way!


Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

A golden retrieve/ corgie mix????
I'm with you...don't need no dogs staring in the window at me! Shiver is right.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it would help if you pretended it was a large kitty cat! But probably not! Sorry you had such a scare. When a house is on a canyon you might have all kinds of unexpected visitors. Keep your super new camera ever ready!!!! Love, gr.ma S

Lovella ♥ said...

Oh it looks so friendly and not scary at all. . .
Yes dogs love cheese and meat. . .and veggies in gravy and casseroles you don't want any more and bread with cheese. . .so cute.