Thursday, July 22, 2010

32 or...

I was reluctant to celebrate my 32nd birthday...until.... As Margo pointed out, it is THE 16th ANNIVERSARY OF MY 16th BIRTHDAY!!! So I thought to myself, "what was I doing on my 16th birthday?"
And then I remembered and dug out the pictures.

I went bunji jumping! That's right! Good times! Ah, to be young again! Wait. I am still young!!! And for the first time EVER I got to bring cupcakes to class to share. So I whipped up a batch of Funfetti and chocolate cupcakes, frosted them, even, 'cause cupcakes with frosting are SO MUCH BETTER! Especially with SPRINKLES~!!!

So what if it has been 32 years in the making?

Finally, having a summer birthday lets ME be the one to bring cupcakes!

1 comment:

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

I'm surprised you didn't go bungee jumping again! Great cupcake baking there girlie.