Thursday, August 19, 2010

Food adventures

I've been doing some food adventures. I go to the store, I buy a piece of produce that I have never used before, and usually have no idea as to what it actually is, and then have to make dinner with it. This time I unfortunately forgot to post a picture of the actual vegetable in question.
But this is what I made, and someone finally told me it was a leek. Hm. Ok. Well, lets not use those again. At least not in conjunction with stirfry, mushrooms, peas, sprouts, and onions in a stir fry.
Ah well, I tried.

1 comment:

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

A little bit of leek goes a long, long way...

Maybe one day you will be ready to begin a blog called "Hospice Nurse Girls Can Cook".

Or something like that.