Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving Part 2

The second Thanksgiving was chicken with a cranberry/raspberry/cherry demi-glaze, mashed sweet potatoes, carrots, and rolls. I also made a gravy, but we won't discuss that as it ended up tasting worse than wallpaper paste. And I even like poi!

Grandma baked a lemon meringue pie, which was scrumptious!!!
Dad carved the chicken, which was nice and juicy.
I was very, very happy at how it turned out! Beautiful and delicious!
Behold, the Spriggs Family!
Lots and lots to be thankful for, if I do say so myself!


Anonymous said...

Yummy!!! Makes me hungry all over again, the dinner was soooooooo good and I ate way too much, but enjoyed every bite. You are a great cook and a wonderful hostess and a very special grand daughter. We love you lots and lots. Thank you for a lovely evening and adding another sweet memory to our lives. G & G S.

L&D said...

I heard there was a big feast you created! Well done.