Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Last Day in Sweden

The outdoor market in Stockholm. Walking in the city, this gentleman was playing some music for us.... guess what kind? That's right! Swedish music!
These road blocks in the shape of lions were everywhere in a certain part of the city. This one, though, had been a little vandalized. Not all the lions were cross-eyed. Just this one. Sure takes away from his fierceness. Cute though!
And some cute "His" and "Hers" bathroom door signs.
I doubt these would fly in the states. Cute though.
And for a celebration of Janitha's mother's birthday the next day and my flying out, we went for drinks at the Sky Bar. The sun was setting and I still couldn't get enough pictures.
Later, Jannica asked if I was part Japanese, what with all the tourist pictures I was taking!
Janitha's mom is such a sweetheart. She even agreed to get in on the map pointing pictures with me. This is where the Sky Bar was in location to the city.
The above picture is taken from inside the Sky Bar. Great views. Even better company!
And one last picture....remind you of anyone? Pippi, by chance?

It's good to be me, or Pippi, and back at home.


Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Yea! Last day pictures! I suspect there were more...can't wait to see them. MISS YOU>

L&D said...

What an awesome trip! Looks like you had a blast. Love the Pipi look. Yanno, you should really sport that a little more often. I love it how you have ornaments of little kids going pee. I suppose you have to be a nurse to truly cherish the art in that. LOVE IT!

Lovella ♥ said...

Hey Laura. . .let me know how things are going .. .if you have a minute .. .thanks.

Gertrud said...

It might have been your last day there in person but your presence is still there.